These are a series of audio recordings from our Restorative classes held on Patreon (www.patreon.com/ashbondcreative). Gather in as many blankets, pillows, yoga blocks/books and bolsters as you have access to, and settle in for one hour of meditation and supported rest.These recordings could also be used to ease yourself into sleep. Simply turn on, tune in and relax. A note that these were recorded with very low tech equipment. There are more being recorded now. If you like what you heard and would like to offer something, please visit the patreon (ashbondcreative) and give what you can. In gratitude as always, ash.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 9: Releasing the Neck
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is one hour to check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 8: Escaping the Noise
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is one hour to check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 7: Full Moon Magic
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is one hour to check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 6: No Demands
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is one hour to check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 5: Energy for You
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is a one hour (quite giggly this time!) check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 4: The Body Helps
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is one hour to check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 3: Noticing
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
"To pay attention and be amazed" - the words of Mary Oliver as she offers instructions for life. This is one hour to check in, with no demands on the body, no asks. We will move through meditation, gentle movement and then supported rest. Bring in as many props - blankets, pillows, bolsters - as you have available. Rest.
If music is helpful to you, there is a playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=NujX0lvLSmeWfryUW7P_JQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 2: Creating our Den
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
A practice in creating a den for ourselves; a sacred, accepting space in which to be ourselves. Gather in your props, close a door and take this time.
If music is helpful, there is a playlist link here for you: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iq3IcAoaKGQHp5T8jSIP8?si=Ftdhgc2YTRyOtDTsI0EAgQ

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Rest Session 1: We are allowed to be Comfortable
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
We begin with a simple meditation and an offering of gentle movement that invites us into rest. Gather in your props - pillows, blankets, books and bolsters, whatever you have - and sink in.
If music is helpful for you, a playlist is here: